What is IV Fluid Therapy?
We are usually asked what is in IV fluid therapy and what does it consist of? Typically IV fluid therapy is given with a saline solution like sodium chloride in water which has the same or similar osmolality as the blood in our bodies. Normal saline or NS is often used for fluid replacement therapy in conditions where one is dehydrated or needs replacement therapy. Patients usually receive iv fluids after surgery or in cases where there is fluid loss or hypovolemia. This solution is made of 9 grams of sodium chloride dissolved in 1000 ml.
We provide a variety of different vitamin cocktails that are added to normal saline to provide IV Vitamin therapy with fluid replacement in our Beverly Hills office as well as throughout the Los Angeles area via house calls. People, who have been working hard, are under the weather, are fighting an infection, have lost fluids, or have a hangover usually feel much better after hydration therapy with vitamin end electrolyte replacement. Visit ivvitamintherapylosangeles.com to learn more about all the services provided.